The “bad at math” myth.


What if, on your child’s educational journey, a bad teacher or frustrating experience plants the idea that they’re bad at math. How powerful is that?!? Once it takes hold, the “bad at math” mindset is incredibly insidious. If your child internalizes the idea that they’re bad at math, it will alter the entire course of their life! Every decision they make will be influenced by this belief.

I will confess, I too fell victim to this trap.

My first few years of school were in the Soviet Union, and initially I was a very strong and diligent math student. When I immigrated to the United States as a third-grader, I was miles ahead of the math curriculum. But over the next few years, bad teachers and a lack of challenge steadily eroded my advantage. By the time I entered a very competitive high school, I suddenly felt that I had fallen behind. A few subpar test grades later, I was disappointed and discouraged. I had fully convinced myself that I just wasn’t that good at math.

-Sasha Yevelev, Push Academy Founder

And that’s how it goes for a lot of kids.

That’s why the Push Academy method is meant to plant the opposite idea. Push Academy builds your child’s confidence, step by step, until they can assuredly say: “I’m good at math!”



